Tuning in to Teens Inverell

Tuning in to Teens - FREE
A parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 11- 24.
Would you like to learn how to:
- be better at talking with and understanding your teen?
- help your teen learn to manage their emotions and help to prevent behaviour problems in your teen?
- teach your teen to deal with conflict?
Teens who develop emotional intelligence:
- are more aware, assertive and strong with peer pressure
- make positive friendships and handle conflict better
- are more able to cope when upset or angry
- have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties
- have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults
- have greater career success
July 2024
WHEN: Thursday 25th July 2024
TIME:10am - 2.30pm
WHERE: Centacare Inverell, 21 Oliver Street, Inverell
To register ring Pedro on 6738 7200 or 1800 372 826
Things to Avoid with your Teen
- assume that the teen years will be a nightmare – much of this time is wonderful!
- take your adolescent’s behaviours personally. They need parents who can be emotionally separate.
- minimize your adolescent’s feelings, perspectives, or the intensity of their feelings and beliefs.
- be fooled by a teen’s size, intellect or other abilities; he is still “in process”.
- over-trust. Remember your adolescent is to some degree, or at some times, self-absorbed, impulsive, and lacking in good judgement.
- use punishments or excessive consequences. They are generally ineffective and damaging to your relationship and decrease your long-term influence over your teen.
- let go too soon; it can be experienced as abandonment.
- hold on when it’s time to let go: it can be experienced as manipulative, controlling or intrusive.
- need to always be right or to know more. Don’t hurry to correct facts.
- compete in style of dress, or with your son or daughter’s friends.
- use your children to get your own needs met. Prepare for their departure gradually, as they are gradually leaving. Make a life of your own!
- underestimate your power to influence your teen